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Обрабатывающие центры с ЧПУ ROVER PLAST A FT: Фото 1
Технологии для обработки полимерных и композитных материалов, каучукjd и пенистых материалов.
Biesse offers two types of work surfaces, to satisfy the different application and processing needs of the client: HFT and FT PLUS.
Обрабатывающие центры с ЧПУ ROVER PLAST A FT: Фото 2
Обрабатывающие центры с ЧПУ ROVER PLAST A FT: Фото 3
для резки при помощи касательной или качающейся пилы.
Обрабатывающие центры с ЧПУ ROVER PLAST A FT: Фото 4

Allows the use of Uniclamps to block complex and small elements. The capillarity and the enhancement of the flow determine the maximum flexibility in processing.

Rover Plast A FT – 5-тиосевой обрабатывающий центр, предназначенный для обработки технологичных материалов, использующихся в таких отраслях, как автомобильная промышленность, производство высокотехнологичных комплектующих, строительство и энергетика.
Производительность без ограничений
The only solution for performing milling and cutting operations on technological materials. The tangential/oscillating blade combined with the video camera for the optical recognition of the print markers gives the machine greater versatility to adapt to every market need. The precision and quality typical of Rover's technology support the perfect execution of all standard machining center processing operations.
Высокая точность и надёжность

Rover Plast A FT в модификации с полным бампером представляет собой одно из самых компактных решений на рынке, созданное для максимально удобного размещения на производстве. Конструкция позволяет оператору в любой момент иметь доступ к станку со всех сторон, при обеспечении полной безопасности и отсутствии каких бы то ни было препятствий на полу.



Обрабатывающие центры с ЧПУ ROVER PLAST A FT: Фото 5
Эффективная система аспирации
Обработка технологичных материалов требует постоянной и тщательной очистки рабочей поверхности. Биессе предлагает различные системы аспирации для обеспечения высокго уровня качества финальной продукции. 
Обрабатывающие центры с ЧПУ ROVER PLAST A FT: Фото 6
Гибкость производства
The machine can be equipped with cutting units with blades of different types.
Обрабатывающие центры с ЧПУ ROVER PLAST A FT: Фото 7
Two cutting units and camera for optical recognition of print markers
Обрабатывающие центры с ЧПУ ROVER PLAST A FT: Фото 8
Tool lubrication system for cutter
Обрабатывающие центры с ЧПУ ROVER PLAST A FT: Фото 9
Extremely quick and easy blade change
Обрабатывающие центры с ЧПУ ROVER PLAST A FT: Фото 10
Blower device for cutting units

Rover Plast A FT - Alucobond Routing

See the Rover Plast A processing an alucobond component with its high speed electrospindle which grants a fast feedrate and a perfect finishing quality.

Rover Plast A FT - Felt Puzzle Cutting

See the Rover Plast A Cutting a felt Puzzle with its high speed oscillating knife.

Rover Plast A FT - Foam Bottle Case

See the Rover Plast A Cutting and Pocketing a Foam bottle holder with its high speed electrospindle which grants a fast feedrate and a perfect finishing quality. 

Rover Plast A FT - Foam Pattern Cutting

See the Rover Plast A Cutting a Foam component with its high speed oscillating knife.

Rover Plast A FT - Honeycomb Paperboard Cutting

See the Rover Plast A Cutting a honeycomb paperboard component with its high speed oscillating knife.

Rover Plast A FT - Nylon Component Routing

See the Rover Plast A Cutting and Engraving a nylon component with its high speed electrospindle which grants a fast feedrate and a perfect finishing quality.

Rover Plast A FT - PVC Banner Routing

See the Rover Plast A routing an PVC banner with its high speed electrospindle which grants a fast feedrate and a perfect finishing quality.

Rover Plast A FT - Acrylic Routing

See the Rover Plast A Cutting and Engraving an acrylic component with its high speed electrospindle which grants a fast feedrate and a perfect finishing quality.

Rover Plast - Machine Features

All the experience and DNA of BIESSE is brought to the Advanced Materials market segment to help customers with the most effective and technological solutions. Discover Rover Plast A FT, the 5-axis machining center dedicated to the processing of technological materials typically used in the following sectors: automotive, technical articles, construction and energy.

Rover Plast - Combined Routing and Cutting Machinings

Rover Plast A FT is the 5-axis machining center dedicated to the processing processing of technopolymers, composite materials, rubbers and foams. The only solution for performing routing and cutting machining on technological materials.

CNC Rover Plast - Knife System Change

Extremely quick and simple blade changes. The operator can make a blade change in just a few steps, limiting the machine downtime.

CNC Rover Plast - Creasing Wheel Application

The precision and quality typical of Rover's technology support the perfect execution of all standard machining center processing operations. Rover Plast can be equipped with cutting units with blades of different types.

CNC Rover Plast - Glass Fibre Cut

Rover Plast is the 5-axis machining center for processing the most common materials requested by the market: PE, PP, PVC and PMMA, but also compounds, technopolymers, rubber, extrusions and foams. Watch now how the machine cuts the glass fibre.

CNC Rover Plast - Kiss Cut Application

The Rover Plast is the ideal solution for machining materials of different formats, size, thickness and density. The extremely rigid and well-balanced structure is designed to withstand notable machining strain and ensure high levels of precision

CNC Rover Plast - Machining of Printed Panel With Markers Recognition

Rover Plast can be equipped with cutting units with different types of blade and geometry, to meet every type of requirement. The cutting unit can also house the video camera for the optical recognition of the print markers, which is a particularly useful feature in the graphic sector.

CNC Rover Plast - Machining Rubber Gasket With Long Stroke Cutting Unit

The precision and quality typical of Rover's technology support the perfect execution of all standard machining center processing operations. Watch a rubber gasket machining in our Rover Plast, processed with the cutting unit.

Action Giromari
Action Giromari
Технологии Biesse и креатив Action Giromari
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